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David Gromov
David Gromov

Microsoft Works Calendar Windows 10 |VERIFIED|

How to Use Microsoft Works Calendar on Windows 10

Microsoft Works Calendar is a handy tool that allows you to manage your schedule, including meetings, reminders, appointments, and other events. It is compatible with most third-party calendar services, such as, Microsoft 365, Google, Yahoo, and iCloud. It also works offline, so you don't have to sign in every time you want to check your schedule.

microsoft works calendar windows 10

In this article, you will learn how to add an account, customize and share calendars, add calendar events, add popular calendars, sync events, personalize your experience, and change settings on Microsoft Works Calendar for Windows 10.

How to Add an Account on Microsoft Works Calendar

The first step to use Microsoft Works Calendar is to add an account that you use for calendar events. You can add as many accounts as you need. Here are the steps to add an account:

  • Open Microsoft Works Calendar.

  • Click on the Settings (gear) button in the bottom-left corner.

  • Click on Manage Accounts in the top-right corner.

  • Click the Add account button.

  • Select the service that you use for calendar events. For example,, but you can choose from a number of services, including:, Microsoft 365 (Office 365), Google (Gmail), Yahoo, iCloud.

  • (Optional) Click the Advanced setup option to add other internet mail services using POP or IMAP.

  • Continue with the on-screen directions to finish adding the account using the account credentials.

Once you complete these steps, the events from the service you configured should start syncing on the device.

How to Customize and Share Calendars on Microsoft Works Calendar

After adding an account, you can customize and share your calendars on Microsoft Works Calendar. You can change the name, color, visibility, and permissions of your calendars. You can also create new calendars or delete existing ones. Here are the steps to customize and share your calendars:

  • Open Microsoft Works Calendar.

  • Click on the Settings (gear) button in the bottom-left corner.

  • Click on Manage Calendars in the top-right corner.

  • Select the calendar that you want to customize or share.

  • To change the name of the calendar, click on the pencil icon next to the name and type a new name.

  • To change the color of the calendar, click on the color box next to the name and select a new color.

  • To change the visibility of the calendar, click on the eye icon next to the name and toggle it on or off.

  • To change the permissions of the calendar, click on the share icon next to the name and select who can view or edit your calendar.

  • To create a new calendar, click on the plus (+) icon at the bottom of the list and enter a name and a color for your new calendar.

  • To delete an existing calendar, click on the trash icon next to the name and confirm your action.

Once you complete these steps, your calendars will be customized and shared according to your preferences.

How to Add Calendar Events on Microsoft Works Calendar

The main purpose of using Microsoft Works Calendar is to add and manage your calendar events. You can add events manually or import them from other sources. You can also edit or delete existing events. Here are the steps to add calendar events:

  • Open Microsoft Works Calendar.

  • Select a date and time slot on the calendar view where you want to add an event.

  • A pop-up window will appear where you can enter the details of your event, such as title, location, start and end time, recurrence, reminder, category, and notes.

  • If you want to invite other people to your event, click on Invite attendees and enter their email addresses. You can also choose whether they can edit or view your event only.

  • If you want to attach a file or a link to your event, click on Add attachment and select a file from your device or paste a link from another source.

  • If you want to import an event from another source, such as an email or a website, click on Import event and select a file or paste a link that contains event information in a standard format (such as iCalendar or vCalendar).

  • When you are done entering all the details of your event, click on Save or Send (if you have invited attendees) to add it to your calendar.

To edit or delete an existing event, simply click on it on the calendar view and make changes or click on Delete in the pop-up window.

How to Add Popular Calendars on Microsoft Works Calendar

How to Change Settings on Microsoft Works Calendar

Microsoft Works Calendar also allows you to change various settings to customize the app according to your needs. You can change the default calendar view, the first day of the week, the working hours, and more. Here are the steps to change settings:

  • Open Microsoft Works Calendar.

  • Click on the Settings (gear) button in the bottom-left corner.

  • Click on Calendar settings in the top-right corner.

  • Select the default calendar view that you want to use for the app. You can choose from Day, Work week, Week, Month, or Year.

  • Select the first day of the week that you want to use for the app. You can choose from Sunday to Saturday.

  • Select the working hours that you want to use for the app. You can choose from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, or Custom.

  • If you choose Custom, you can specify the start time and end time of your working hours for each day of the week.

Once you complete these steps, your settings will be changed according to your preferences.

How to Change Weather Settings on Microsoft Works Calendar

Another feature of Microsoft Works Calendar is that you can see the weather forecast for your location and other locations on the app. You can change the weather settings to show or hide the weather information, change the temperature unit, and add or remove locations. Here are the steps to change weather settings:

  • Open Microsoft Works Calendar.

  • Click on the Settings (gear) button in the bottom-left corner.

  • Click on Weather settings in the top-right corner.

  • To show or hide the weather information on the app, toggle on or off the Show weather option.

  • To change the temperature unit on the app, select Celsius or Fahrenheit under the Temperature unit option.

  • To add a new location for weather information, click on Add location and enter a city name or a zip code.

  • To remove an existing location for weather information, click on Remove location and select a location from the list.

Once you complete these steps, your weather settings will be changed according to your preferences.



Microsoft Works Calendar is a useful app that can help you manage your schedule and stay on top of your events. It is compatible with most third-party calendar services and works offline as well. You can add, customize, share, and sync your calendars and events with ease. You can also add popular calendars from various sources and see the weather forecast for your location and other locations. You can personalize your experience and change various settings to suit your needs. Microsoft Works Calendar is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you organize your life and work better. d282676c82

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