Download _BEST_ Terjemahan Tanqihul Qoul PDF 437: A Comprehensive Guide To The Principles Of Islamic Jurisprudence
Terjemahan Tanqihul Qoul PDF 437: A Comprehensive Guide to the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Download Terjemahan Tanqihul Qoul PDF 437: A Comprehensive Guide to the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
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Tanqihul Qoul is a famous book written by Syaikh Muhammad Nawawi bin Umar al-Jawi al-Bantani, a renowned Indonesian scholar who lived in the 19th century. The book is a commentary on Lubab al-Hadith, a collection of selected hadiths compiled by Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, a prominent Egyptian scholar of the 15th century. The book explains the meanings and implications of the hadiths in relation to the rules and methods of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh).
The book is widely studied and referenced by students and teachers of Islamic law in Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia. However, the book is also known for its complex language and style, which makes it difficult to understand without proper guidance and explanation. Moreover, the book is not easily accessible in digital format, as there are few reliable and accurate copies available online.
That is why this article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to the book Terjemahan Tanqihul Qoul PDF 437, which is a translation of Tanqihul Qoul into Indonesian language. The translation was done by Dr. Muhammad Thalib, a lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The translation covers all 40 chapters of the book, with each chapter containing an introduction, a summary, and a detailed explanation of the hadiths and their relevance to Islamic law.
By reading this article, you will learn about:
The background and biography of Syaikh Nawawi al-Bantani, the author of Tanqihul Qoul.
The structure and content of Lubab al-Hadith, the original source of Tanqihul Qoul.
The main themes and topics covered by Tanqihul Qoul, such as the sources and principles of Islamic law, the classification and interpretation of hadiths, the legal opinions of different schools of thought, and the practical applications of Islamic law in various aspects of life.
The benefits and challenges of studying Tanqihul Qoul, such as enhancing ones knowledge and understanding of Islamic law, developing ones critical thinking and analytical skills, and overcoming the linguistic and contextual barriers.
The best ways to access and download Terjemahan Tanqihul Qoul PDF 437, such as using reliable websites, apps, or e-books.
If you are interested in learning more about Tanqihul Qoul and its translation, then continue reading this article until the end. You will find valuable information and insights that will enrich your knowledge and appreciation of Islamic jurisprudence.
Who is Syaikh Nawawi al-Bantani?
Syaikh Nawawi al-Bantani was born in Banten, West Java, Indonesia in 1813 CE. He came from a noble family that traced its lineage to Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin, the founder of the Banten Sultanate. He was also related to Syaikh Yusuf al-Maqassari, a famous Indonesian scholar who fought against Dutch colonialism in South Africa.
Syaikh Nawawi al-Bantani showed his brilliance and talent in learning from an early age. He studied various Islamic sciences under his father and other local scholars in Banten. He also traveled to other regions in Indonesia, such as Cirebon, Surabaya, Makassar, and Aceh, to seek more knowledge and experience.
At the age of 25, he decided to pursue his studies abroad in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. There he met and learned from some of the most prominent scholars of his time, such as Syaikh Ahmad Zaini Dahlan, Syaikh Ahmad Khatib al-Minangkabawi, Syaikh Muhammad bin Sulaiman al-Kurdi, Syaikh Umar bin Abdullah al-Shat 04f6b60f66