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Grupo cantosdelmundo-2020

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Learn How to Cooperate with the Holy Spirit for Your Success and Happiness

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit by Pastor Chris PDF

Do you want to learn more about the Holy Spirit and how He can transform your life? Do you want to discover the secrets of living a victorious and fulfilling Christian life? Do you want to access the unlimited power and wisdom of God through His Spirit?

The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit By Pastor Chris Pdf 131

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If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to read this book: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. This book will reveal to you who the Holy Spirit is, what He does, and how you can cooperate with Him for your success and happiness.


In this introduction, we will briefly introduce who Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is, and what he means by the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Who is Pastor Chris Oyakhilome?

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is a renowned preacher, teacher, author, and television host. He is the founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated, also known as Christ Embassy, a global ministry that reaches millions of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is also the author of several best-selling books, such as Rhapsody of Realities, The Power of Your Mind, How to Pray Effectively, and many more.

Pastor Chris has a passion for teaching people about their identity and inheritance in Christ, and how to live a supernatural life by the power of the Holy Spirit. He has impacted millions of lives through his crusades, conferences, television programs, online platforms, and publications.

What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit?

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is simply the work that the Holy Spirit does in and through believers. The Holy Spirit is not just a force or an influence; He is a person who has a mind, a will, and emotions. He is God Himself, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son. He was sent by Jesus after His ascension to be our Comforter, Counselor, Advocate, Helper, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby, Teacher, Guide, Leader, Witness, Seal, Earnest, Anointing, and Friend.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is essential for every believer because without Him we cannot understand or apply God's Word, we cannot pray effectively or worship sincerely, we cannot overcome sin or temptation, we cannot bear fruit or witness for Christ, we cannot grow in grace or knowledge, we cannot fulfill our purpose or destiny.

The main content of the book

In this book, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome divides his teaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit into four chapters: Get to know the Holy Spirit, The ministry of the Holy Spirit in you, Take advantage of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and The voice of the Spirit. In each chapter, he expounds on various aspects of the Holy Spirit's personality, work, and relationship with us. He also gives practical steps and examples on how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for a successful and glorious life.

Get to know the Holy Spirit

In this chapter, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome emphasizes the importance of knowing the Holy Spirit as a person, not just as a doctrine or an experience. He explains three key truths about the Holy Spirit that every believer should know:

The Holy Spirit is a person

The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force or a vague influence; He is a person who has a mind, a will, and emotions. He can speak, hear, see, feel, think, decide, act, and relate. He has a personality that can be known and loved. He is not an "it" but a "He".

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome shows us how to relate to the Holy Spirit as a person by acknowledging His presence, talking to Him, listening to Him, honoring Him, loving Him, obeying Him, and depending on Him.

The Holy Spirit is God

The Holy Spirit is not a lesser or inferior being; He is God Himself, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son. He is the third person of the Godhead, who shares the same nature, attributes, and glory as the Father and the Son. He is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (everywhere present), eternal (without beginning or end), holy (pure and righteous), and sovereign (supreme and independent).

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome shows us how to worship the Holy Spirit as God by ascribing to Him the same honor, reverence, praise, adoration, and devotion that we give to the Father and the Son.

The Holy Spirit is your helper

The Holy Spirit is not a distant or indifferent being; He is your helper who cares for you and wants to assist you in every area of your life. He is your comforter who consoles you in your troubles, your counselor who advises you in your decisions, your advocate who pleads your cause before God, your intercessor who prays for you according to God's will, your strengthener who empowers you to overcome your weaknesses, your standby who supports you in your challenges, your teacher who instructs you in God's Word, your guide who leads you into God's plan for your life, your leader who directs you in God's way for your life, your witness who testifies of Jesus in you and through you, your seal who secures you in God's family, your earnest who guarantees your inheritance in Christ, your anointing who enables you to do God's work with ease and excellence, and your friend who loves you unconditionally and faithfully.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome shows us how to receive the help of the Holy Spirit by asking Him for His help, trusting Him for His help, following His help, and thanking Him for His help.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit in you

In this chapter, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome reveals the amazing benefits of having the Holy Spirit in you as a believer. He explains three vital functions of the Holy Spirit in you:

The Holy Spirit gives you life

The Holy Spirit is the source and sustainer of life. He is the one who created life in the beginning (Genesis 1:2), who gave life to Adam (Genesis 2:7), who raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8:11), and who gives life to everyone who believes in Jesus (John 3:5-6). He is also the one who maintains and enhances life in you as a believer (Romans 8:10). He gives you physical life by healing your body from sickness and disease (Romans 8:11). He gives you spiritual life by regenerating your spirit from sin and death (Titus 3:5). He gives you eternal life by securing your salvation in Christ (Ephesians 1:13-14).

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome shows us how to experience the life of the Holy Spirit by confessing that we have His life in us, believing that we have His life in us, acting like we have His life in us, and sharing His life with others.

The Holy Spirit teaches you all things

How to grow in your relationship with the Spirit

The Holy Spirit is not just a helper; He is also a friend. He wants to have a close and intimate relationship with us, just as He does with the Father and the Son. He wants us to know Him, love Him, and enjoy His fellowship. He wants us to share our lives with Him, our joys and sorrows, our hopes and fears, our dreams and desires.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome shows us how to grow in our relationship with the Spirit by using these five practical ways:

  • Self-reflection. Examine your heart and motives regularly. Ask yourself if you are pleasing God or pleasing yourself. Ask yourself if you are honoring the Holy Spirit or grieving Him. Ask yourself if you are growing in grace or stagnating in sin.

  • Meditation. Spend time meditating on God's Word and His works. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you through the Scriptures and through creation. Let Him reveal to you the mysteries and wonders of God's love and power.

  • Creation. Appreciate the beauty and diversity of God's creation. See God's handiwork in nature, art, music, literature, etc. Express your gratitude and praise to God for His gifts and talents. Use your own creativity to glorify God and bless others.

  • Service. Serve God and others with love and humility. Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to edify the body of Christ and to reach out to the lost. Be a good steward of the resources and opportunities God has given you.

  • Empathy. Put yourself in other people's shoes and try to understand their feelings and perspectives. Be compassionate and kind to those who are hurting or struggling. Be forgiving and gracious to those who have wronged you or offended you.


In conclusion, we have seen that the ministry of the Holy Spirit by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is a powerful and practical book that will help you discover who the Holy Spirit is, what He does, and how you can cooperate with Him for your success and happiness.

Summary of the main points

Here are the main points we have covered in this article:

  • The Holy Spirit is a person who has a mind, a will, and emotions.

  • The Holy Spirit is God who shares the same nature, attributes, and glory as the Father and the Son.

  • The Holy Spirit is your helper who cares for you and wants to assist you in every area of your life.

  • The Holy Spirit gives you life by healing your body, regenerating your spirit, and securing your salvation.

  • The Holy Spirit teaches you all things by illuminating, interpreting, and applying God's Word to your life.

  • The Holy Spirit guides you into all truth by convicting you of sin, confirming God's promises, and testifying of Jesus.

  • You can receive the Holy Spirit by asking God for Him, believing God for Him, and yielding to Him.

  • You can be filled with the Holy Spirit by confessing your sins, surrendering your wills, asking Him to fill you afresh, praising Him and worshiping Him, and speaking in tongues.

  • You can walk in the Spirit by having a daily quiet time, learning to recognize when you're no longer walking in the Spirit, going to God for help as soon as possible when life gets difficult, having regular retreat days with God or longer times of prayer and fellowship, and developing the habit of talking to Him throughout the day.

  • You can recognize the voice of the Spirit by checking if it agrees with God's Word, glorifies Jesus, produces peace in your heart, and bears good fruit in your life.

  • You can obey the voice of the Spirit by being quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger (James 1:19), being willing to do whatever He tells you (John 2:5), being faithful in little things (Luke 16:10), being ready for anything (Acts 8:26-40), being flexible and adaptable (Acts 16:6-10).

  • You can grow in your relationship with the Spirit by self-reflection, meditation, creation, service, and empathy.

Benefits of reading this book

Reading this book will benefit you in many ways, such as:

  • You will have a deeper and richer understanding of the Holy Spirit and His ministry.

  • You will experience more of the Holy Spirit's presence, power, and love in your life.

  • You will develop a closer and more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit as your friend.

  • You will be able to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for your success and happiness.

  • You will be able to walk in the Spirit and live a victorious and fulfilling Christian life.

Call to action

If you are interested in reading this book, you can download it for free from this link: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PDF. You can also order a hard copy from this link: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Book.

We encourage you to read this book and apply its principles to your life. You will be amazed at how much the Holy Spirit can do in you and through you as you cooperate with Him. You will also be blessed by the testimonies and examples of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and other believers who have experienced the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Don't miss this opportunity to grow in your knowledge and relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is waiting for you to invite Him into your life and to partner with Him for your success and happiness. He is your helper, your teacher, your guide, your leader, your witness, your seal, your earnest, your anointing, and your friend. He is the Holy Spirit of God.

# FAQs

  • Who is Pastor Chris Oyakhilome?

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is a renowned preacher, teacher, author, and television host. He is the founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated, also known as Christ Embassy, a global ministry that reaches millions of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit?

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is simply the work that the Holy Spirit does in and through believers. He is God Himself, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son. He was sent by Jesus after His ascension to be our Comforter, Counselor, Advocate, Helper, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby, Teacher, Guide, Leader, Witness, Seal, Earnest, Anointing, and Friend.

  • How can I receive the Holy Spirit?

You can receive the Holy Spirit by asking God for Him, believing God for Him, and yielding to Him. You receive the Holy Spirit when you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior (Ephesians 1:13-14). You can also experience a subsequent filling of the Holy Spirit that empowers you for service and witness (Acts 1:8). This experience is often accompanied by speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4).

  • How can I walk in the Spirit?

You can walk in the Spirit by having a daily quiet time, learning to recognize when you're no longer walking in the Spirit, going to God for help as soon as possible when life gets difficult, having regular retreat days with God or longer times of prayer and fellowship, and developing the habit of talking to Him throughout the day.

  • How can I grow in my relationship with the Spirit?

You can grow in your relationship with the Spirit by self-reflection, meditation, creation, service, and empathy. You can also read this book: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, which will help you discover who the Holy Spirit is, what He does, and how you can cooperate with Him for your success and happiness.


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